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European Patent Fees will be adjusted from April 1, 2022

  • Categories:News
  • Date:2022-02-14

European Patent Fees will be adjusted from April 1, 2022

  • Time of issue:2022-02-14 11:18
  • Views:

The European Patent Office has announced that the official fees related to European patent applications will be increased from April 1, 2022.

We have summarized the fee increases for many frequently paid fees in the table below, and a cost saving is possible by paying the corresponding fee before April 1, 2022. 


Previous amounts (EUR)

Adjusted amounts (EUR)
Filing fee 125 130
Search fee 1,350 1,390
Designation fee 610 630
Examination fee 1,700 1,750
Grant fee 960 990

Renewal fees

- for the 3rd year

490 505
- for the 4th year 610 630
- for the 5th year 855 880
- for the 6th year 1,090 1,125
- for the 7th year 1,210 1,245
- for the 8th year 1,330 1,370
- for the 9th year 1,450 1,495
- for the 10th and each subsequent year 1,640 1,690

European patent fees are usually adjusted every two years, and the next adjustment is expected to be on April 1, 2024.


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